The Black Knight Rover Unit

We participate in a range of activities including social, physical and service related activities. A number of annual events include a murder mystery dinner, a caving camp and a Christmas dinner/party. We also regularly participate in assisting in Venturer section events such as Easter Venture and district events. Several of our members hold qualifications in a range outdoor activities such as Rock Climbing, Kayaking, or are leaders within other sections of the Scouting Movement. A number of Unit members are also involved in “Gang Shows”, which are variety shows produced entirely by Scouts and Guides. With involvement from onstage to offstage roles, we’re a multi-talented bunch! We encourage active participation within the Unit and other teams within the branch.
The Black Knight Rover Unit, named after the ‘Black Knight’ in the comedy film “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”, is a Unit based in the North Eastern suburbs of Adelaide. Established in 2011, the Unit has grown rapidly into a well known Rover Unit in the South Australian Branch.
We’re based at the Hope Valley Scout Hall (Barracks Road, Hope Valley), sharing a den with the Beefacres Venturer Unit. Our Unit meets regularly and has an active program which is updated quarterly.
The Unit is proud to have won the “Easter Venture – Best Rover Activity Award” three times in recent years (2016, 2017, 2019)!
Join our Unit to help continue our active participation with other sections and events.
Unit Leader: TBA
Contact Email:
Unit Meeting Location:
The Den, Hope Valley Scout Hall, Barracks Road, Hope Valley SA 5090
Unit Website: