Lone Rover Unit

Scouts Australia, South Australian Branch
Lone Rover Unit
The S.A. Lones Scout Group cater for persons who wish to continue Scouting after they turn 18 years of age. The S.A. Lone Rover Unit, is a group of like-minded individuals, men and women, within the Rover Section age category (18-26 years), who live and or work in areas where there is no Rover Unit, or it is impractical to attend the nearest Unit.
The S.A. Lone Rover Unit was established in 1987 to enable young people to continue Scouting as active members of the Scout Movement, where otherwise they would have been lost to Scouting due to their remoteness. Sine the Unit’s re-establishment, the Unit has grown in numbers, with members living throughout South Australia and interstate.
Although there are no regular meetings, the Unit communicate via Facebook, video conferencing, email and the group newsletter the Lones Trail. Each Unit member is to communicate with the Unit or Unit Leader at least once a month to ensure smooth running of the Unit. The Unit comes together regularly throughout the year, with the main gathering for the Annual Lones Scout Camp at the Woodhouse Activity Centre each October long-weekend. Here the Unit mingles and assists with the other sections of the S.A. Lones Scout Group and has its Annual General Meeting.
Throughout the year, members of the Unit attend other state-wide Rovering events. These events include: State Moot, NONT (Night Observation and Navigation Tour), Comedy Capers, Gang Show, Sandblast and so much more.
Further information is available from:
Contact Details
Unit Leader: Dana Allan
Lone Rover Unit Contact Email: lones@sarovers.com.au
Chris Ind – S.A. Lone Scouts District Commissioner dc.lones@sa.scouts.com.au
Lee-Anne Whitehead – S.A Lone Scouts Group Leader gl.lones@sa.scouts.com.au
or phone Scouts Australia SA Branch Headquarters 1800 SCOUTS (1800 726 887)